How adorable are these Minimergency Kits For Her ($13-$24) -- they're super stylish, compact, and practical. Inside each one is all you need for any kind of emergency. Most of the kits includes 17 must-haves: hairspray, clear nail polish, nail polish remover, emery board, lip balm, earring backs, clear elastics, safety pin, mending kit, Shemergency® tape, stain remover, deodorant towelette, pain reliever, tampon, breath freshener, dental floss, and an adhesive bandage. It all started when a survival kit company - Ms. & Mrs. - came up with a simple slogan: “Emergencies suck. We’re here to help.” The company now offers a wide variety of kits to help him or her. From weddings, back to school to new moms, these little packs are just what you need in case of any mini emergency. Available at Neiman Marcus, Shopbop, CUSP, and select stores.